Sunday, November 18, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

More Blemish...and a Goku!

Another Blemish drawing!  I'm experimenting with a few colors this far so good!  Also, I decided to get this little Goku piece out of the way while I was at it. It's definitely be a WHILE since I have done ANYTHING DBZ related.  The best part about this piece was that I didn't use any fx to push the drawing. Just my paints and my blend modes.  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


A couple of randoms.  One is of Akihiko Sanada and the other is a concept design of Hansel and Gretel. :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


There's been a reason why I haven't posted anything in a while...well...that's because I have been working on a graphic novel of mine called Blemish. I won't elaborate on more than that, however, I do have a little drawing to peek ye interest.