Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ack!!! Zombies!!! ...Or...ZOMBIE!!!

Hello, all.  More work with Maya.  This here really isn't a walk cycle, however, I wanted to play with the whole zombie thing.  This was fun.  I will have another walk cycle hopefully by tomorrow.  But until then...ENJOY!


  1. i think you can play with your curves in the graph editor a bit more to smooth out some of the motions a bit. i see a twitch here and there that looks like a tangent bug more then intentional twitch..

    still. very fun!

  2. Thanks a bunch, sir. I will go and check out the graph editor and smooth it out a bit more.

  3. Maybe add some Foot dragging..not all zombies have working limps, and this zombie's left leg looks likeit was beat up. i suggest a lil leg dragging! Other then that! AWESOME!!

  4. Funny you mention that Scoob, because I originally had him with that leg dragging. Then I thought to myself...maybe if I gave him a limp that would be better? Well, I think I will go back to the drag. Thanks a bunch buddy! :)
